Pay the Piper

WC: 491

Kiara had gained weight, enough that it was noticeable. After her sudden loss of appetite and inability to keep any food down, Kiara found herself gorging on anything she could find. Just a few days ago she had managed to catch an old buck, and already it was mostly gone. When the arctic wolf wasn't eating, she was running and doing the drills Saluce had assigned her or she was sleeping. These three activities filled Kiara's days and the sudden gain in weight wasn't all that surprising in the she-wolf's mind. Her muscles had become fully toned and she had all the bulk of a healthy arctic wolf. There was however, a small, but noticeable bulge to Kiara's belly. This she attributed to all the food she was eating which she assumed was because of her sudden and strange "illness."

The arctic wolf had been in the throws of a gentle nap when a call range out. Kiara stirred awake in her den, her ears pinning forward as she listened to the call. Somehow, the voice sounded familiar. With Kiara's curiosity getting the better of her, she stood and briefly stretched before she crawled out of her den and started for the boarder. Kiara ran swiftly, all the while wondering where she had heard the voice before. It was familiar, yet the memory was blurred and refused to completely surface. It didn't take the snow wolf long to reach the boarder and as she approached she prepared herself to give a warm and friendly welcome.

At first, Kiara did not recognize the strangers and her demeanor was polite and friendly. Her tail wagged, but remained low, and a broad smile was spread across her face. However, as the arctic wolf approached the boarder and the pair of canines, she recognized the yellow dog and froze. Amy. Her sapphire eyes became wide disks and her wagging tail immediately dropped between her legs. Panic and fear threatened to overwhelm the she-wolf as she stood frozen in place. The scars across her body seemed to burn, and her heart clenched tightly as the horrid memories came rushing back. For one reason or another, Rojo's face flashed before her eyes, making rage boil to the surface. Kiara had promised herself she would become stronger, that she wouldn't be scared anymore.

After the first few moments of paralyzing fear, Kiara's demeanor changed again. Her lips curled back while her tail and heckles rose. A growl emanated from her toothy mouth as she stalked forward and stopped just before the boarder. "What are you doing here. What could you possibly want from our pack." Kiara made no attempts to hide the anger and hostility in her voice. All she saw was red and she no longer saw anything but that hated dog. Kiara was so wrapped up in her anger that she forgot all about the other canine and completely failed to notice the luperci's bulging stomach.

Table By Bria

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