Pay the Piper

OOC text here

Word Count :: +000

It wasn't long before someone appeared on the horizon. That was a relief, since remaining on her feet was a bother. As soon as she could Amy would take a seat, a nap, and eat as much as she could. That was the main thing in her mind right now. As the canine moved closer Amy realized it wasn't Saul, bringing a disgruntled look to her face. This wolf had no business answering a call made for someone else. Amy would have to put up with the creature as well, unable to defend herself as well as she should have been able to. The wagging tail and open expression had Amy almost laughing as she recognized the foolish demeanor of the wolf she'd cut up.

It looked like the female had managed to get herself pregnant as well. That boded well, promising her plenty of new toys in the future. She smiled pleasantly at the cowering image, her grin broadening as Kiara straightened up challengingly. This was definitely amusing. It seemed she'd grown a spine since she'd last seen her. No longer just a disposable toy, but someone to torment and keep for the long term. The sharp words didn't bother her. A pleasure to see you too, Kiara. I see that you're pregnant. Wonder who the lucky father is. She leaned back on the wagon to ease some of the pressure. I'm here because I need your medic's help delivering my pups.


Table by Alex

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