Pay the Piper

WC: 316

Kiara was small, even for an arctic wolf. Yet her bulky shoulders and powerful body made up for what she lacked in size. In fact, with her heckles raised and her fangs exposed she looked downright frightening. Yet that dog, that horrid yellow dog continued to smile. Her vile grin made Kiara even more angry and her growls only became louder. Kiara wanted nothing more than to run the dog away from Ichika no Ho-en. She was a threat to the pack, to the puppies. Despite her wishes, Kiara stood still. It took a great amount of patience on her part, but she somehow managed to do it.

Pregnant, who was pregnant? Kiara's tail and heckles lowered as confusion took over. She turned her snowy head to stare at her scarred belly. Sure it was a little big, but not large enough to say she was pregnant. When Amy mentioned a father, Kiara wanted to hide her face in embarrassment. Her mind drifted back to her singular night with Alonso. It had been so sudden, so spontaneous, so...right. The news that Amy was pregnant was just as much as a shock. For the first time, the arctic wolf really looked at the yellow dog. Sure enough, she was pregnant. Kiara simply stood, dumbfounded. Who could possibly want to...Amy was so vile, how could anybody...

The Ikusei shook her head, not quite sure what to do. She looked from Amy to her companion. A small, brown male who was chained to Amy. Kiara did the only she could do, gape. "'m not pregnant, I'm just a little bloated. But more importantly, how can YOU be pregnant...I's you..." Kiara suddenly remembered her anger, although it was far less than what she had experienced before. "No! Don't talk to me like we are friends. You have no right. You will address me by my last name Amarok! And...and...wait...medic?"

Table By Bria

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