Bad Luck Comes in Threes

OOC text here

Word Count :: +000

Amy watched with interest the response from the male before her. His movements were smooth and practiced, instantly changing into a position that would allow him to easily defend himself. The sister jumped back, out of the way of the threat of violence. They had clearly been working as a team for a while. Amy watched them relax as she did, the male obviously the one in charge. They looked over her wares cautiously, the male remaining ready to fight if it came to that.

The needed supplies were listed off, and Amy nodded. Moving back to her wagon she watched the female carefully, making sure she wouldn't try to take off with anything. Amy removed some soft cotton bandaging and brought it to the front, glancing at the fur that had been selected. Smiling Amy pulled it over, adding a cougar pelt to the pile. Cautiously Amy added a whetstone to the pile, not entirely sold on giving it to them. Can I see the carvings?


Table by Alex

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