[J] I am a Rock

Word Count: 000 — please excuse my crappy post :x


Anann had never before seen a dog with quite the leggy build that this white and black male had. It almost made him appear a touch lanky though in reality his build was strong and sturdy. One look at him and the profession that his weaponry hinted at was obvious to the Luna. It was in the way he held himself and tone of his muscle. Such a thing came from training and experience, nothing less.

Anann gave slight dip of her own head in response to the male’s own introduction and bow as respect was shown to all in Casa di Cavalieri, so long as they had the decency to do the same. With introductions out of the way, Wayne spoke up. It was not the first time Anann and he had been through this process and he had likely come to expect that she would want to hear his opinion of Fritz thus far. ”Impressive set of skills.” She said to neither one if the particularly though there was a look of approval on her features.

The amber woman then looked directly to Fritz. ”May I see one of your swords? If you don’t mind.” The male would indeed be a fair addition to their ranks, so long as that he was of a similar mind to their goals. The condition of his blade would speak a lot of the man’s discipline and his sincerity in his trade.

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