A day with Dad

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

After a short rest Dalgina managed to grab another stick and drag it over to the pile. Her tail thumped happily as the number of sticks that were going to be be added to the pile shrunk down to almost none. Soon Papa would be finished and she could play with him, or listen to his stories, or if she was really lucky Papa would help her make something pretty, like the tree carving she had. It didn't look like much anymore, dragged around by the puppy with teeth marks all over it. She kept it tucked in the nursery until she decided it was time to show off, and luckily had managed to not lose it.

Dalgina grabbed the last stick from the pile, and pulled it over with as much effort as she could. Dalgina only managed to get half way before her sick body decided it was done with the abuse. Dalgina collapsed into the snow, shivering in the cold. She nudged at the stick with her nose, trying to get it the rest of the way. Sneezing Dalgina's eyes watered. Suddenly Dalgina felt much worse than before, and wanted to get warm, close to her talnala.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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