The First Step
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Word Count: 557

Sorry for the delay. Found this finally, and then it was my birthday. Assuming this is stupid o'clock in the morning, since Grace gets up with the sun.

★ ★ ★

Light had just begun to shine through the sky-light above her sleeping area. Grace woke slowly, exhaustion still in her bones from yesterday's excitement. A soft yawn stretched her jaw, and she arched against the bed as the rest of her followed suit. Where was Taj? Why was she so tire— Oh, damn. Her turquoise eyes caught on Hadley, and a rush of memory hit her like a speeding train - not that she had seen one of those before. She rubbed her eyes and lifted herself from her bed, thinking about what she had to do today - find something to do with him, and find out who his so-called master had been. She would be diplomatic if it killed her, but she sorely hoped that it wouldn't. Negotiating with someone who would keep this boy as a slave seemed an unpleasant prospect. Still, it had to be done by someone... and five would get you ten that it would not be Hadley himself.

She remembered herself just in time. "G'morning, Hadley,""Did you sleep well?" As she spoke, she poured seed into Taj's bowl, and refilled his water from a canteen. He didn't always use these things; he could hunt, and there was plenty of water about. Nonetheless, she thought it only fair that he had access to them, just as she had access to canteens and dried meats. She needed to get dressed and get outside to feed her horses.

Speaking of getting dressed...

She glanced down and realized that she wasn't wearing anything. It wasn't that that was particularly odd; she was, after all, a wolf, and clothing was optional. Still, after last night's semi-hircine display from Hadley, she wasn't sure that wandering around without clothing was prudent. She knew how males could be, or she thought that she did, anyway. Besides, she liked her clothing. She made most of it herself, and she put a lot of time and effort into making it exactly to her tastes. Sure, she would design clothing for others, for a nominal fee (or sometimes as a favour or gift), but those were to their tastes. Her clothing was for herself.

"If you'll excuse me briefly," she said politely, and slipped into the storage room. She dressed quickly, pulling on a bright blue-green blouse and a pair of jeans. She added a matching flower to her mane, pulling her bangs to one side and clipping the flower in place. Her bracelet and necklace accented the ensemble. She was sure she looked fine, but she should find a mirror soon. It was nice to be able to look at oneself and know what others saw when they looked, and besides that, Grace liked to admire herself briefly in the morning. Vain as it may have been, it made her feel confident. She would have to find a merchant that carried mirrors, or could find one. Shame that Winter Festival was over.

She returned to the main house and smiled. "Sorry about that. How do I look?" She grinned and pulled on her coat. It was still winter, after all. "Come down with me to feed the horses?" she asked, although it seemed less of a question, and more of a suggestion. Hadley would do well to get out and experience his new-found freedom. Cowering wouldn't make it easier.


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