you got me so wild, how can i ever deny.

Emmanuelle Brenna

Word Count - 524 :: out of character text

Emmanuelle watched Amy kneel down and cut off a piece of the moose she had killed, waiting patiently. A few minutes later the other woman motioned to her with her head to follow, and the same words soon followed suit. Without question she followed, both hands clasped behind her back as she trotted to catch up with the pale dog. A little ways away Amy led her to her wagon, and as Emmanuelle gazed around and took all of Amy's possessions she figured out that she must be a trader. She would ask about that after her lessons though, she got the feeling that Amy wasn't exactly the patient type. The other woman would probably do terribly at ice fishing if she had little patience. Emma's mottled tail flicked back and forth behind her as she watched the other womans actions carefully, taking every movement in.

Her eyes flicked up to the coyote laying in the back of the wagon, ears perked in curiosity. He either did not see her or did not know she was there due to the lack of acknowledgment. Now Emmanuelle was a social butterfly, but noting the chains and the wounds she figured she would just ignore the chained coyotes presence as Amy did, not wanting to know why he was like that or who had done that too him... She gulped quietly as her eyes fell on Amy's throwing knives, wondering if that was what had inflicted the wounds upon the other. Giving her head a brisk shake she cleared her thoughts and directed her eyes back to what Amy had laid out in front of her, an assortment of herbs. Ears flicked to meet Amy's question, and the younger female brought a single furred finger to her bottom lip in thought as her right hand remained clenched behind her.

A light-bulb went off in her head as she pointed to the green, spiny plant at the far right. " That one is an Aloe Vera plant. " She began, staring at the others carefully, she had seen the bark once before somewhere, as well as the flowers but knew neither of their names. She point to the strips of willow bark and the meadowsheet flowers and continued. " I have seen those two before as well, though I don't know what they are called. Unfortunately I am not aware what any of them do. " The youth admitted, ears pressed against her skull. Emmanuelle did not like having so little knowledge, but she contributed that to her age and the fact she had been alone for awhile. Mis-matched eyes flicked up to meet the pale dogs gaze as she waited for what the other was going to do next.

Mentally she went over other teachers in her head, knowing Amy was not at all willing to teach her any more then she needed too. The younger female had noted talk about a medic in the Inferni pack.. Maybe her next stop was back at her home lands for more lessons on herbology.. Granted the medic was more likely to give up information for less then the female in front of her.

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