picture perfect smiles

Endymion had to admit to himself that Alarice was right. If it was meant to happen, he would find his father. He just wished he could find him as quickly as possible. Running his hands through his hair, messing it up in the process, he looked back to his black-haired aunt. He returned her smile, nodding. He was extremely lucky to have what family he did. How greedy he had been, to want more when he already had so much. "You're right," he stated with a sigh. He was truly lucky.
At her second statement, his smile disappeared quickly, being replaced with an almost horror-struck expression. The young man had no experience with women at all! Plus, he just knew he would make a fool of himself. His stutter would probably kick in at the wrong moment, or he would do something completely stupid. But that didn't mean he didn't think about it from time to time, having a "lady-friend." Bashfully, the russet wolf looked away again, trying to conceal his smile. "Oh, I don't know, Alarice," said Endymion, picking up another shell. "I doubt any girl would wanna keep me on my toes."


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