you got me so wild, how can i ever deny.

OOC text here

Word Count :: +000

Amy snickered slightly as the coyote held the bow so clumsily. It was amusing to see the inexperience. Amy could so easily just stab her in the back and kill her. Even someone coming with a sword from the distance could easily damage the unprotected female. She straightened her expression, stepping over. Amy shifted her grip on the bow so that it was more secure, helping her aim. An arrow was passed, and Amy helped her fit it into the bow.

Stepping back she nodded her head. Good. Now hold your arms like that. It might ache a little from not being used to it, but slipping out of this while using a bow can result in some painful accidents. Amy looked over the coyote again, making sure that her instructions were being followed. Satisfied that she was doing well enough holding the bow Amy slowly walked over to a tree. She struck her knives into it, creating a ring. Pull back the arrow until it's by your cheek. Then release. Make sure you point where you want it to hit. She stepped back wearily, taking a seat. Amy wished the moose was closer, still hungry.


Table by Alex

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