I've Seen Fire (Laruku)

indentThe first time Melisande had left, it had been a concious thing. She was looking for something, and of course she didn't know what. Then she'd returned, not having found whatever it was. The second time she left, it was more like... wandering. Like one day she floated away. Like something had led her astray - except that nothing had. She'd gone aimlessly away, and now, realizing this sad truth, her smile disappeared. There was nothing out there for her. This place was as good as the next, and at least she knew the lands and the wolves who roamed them. At least there were familiar faces here.

indent "No." She said. She shook her head. "I don't think there is anything out there to be found. If there is, then it will just have to find me, I suppose." She shrugged. It wasn't a sad statement, but just a simple fact. She was tired of finding, searching, trying to fix things that couldn't be fixed, and others that weren't even broken to begin with. She looked at Laruku's face, and changed the subject upon doing so. He seemed so lost, and yet he didn't look. He would never have admitted it, but she liked to think that he was staying here for his pack, and his duty. He was stronger than she was, and yet, he was worn. What had happened to the youth she used to play games with? She wanted to say something like 'What happened to you?', or 'Do you ever take time to have fun anymore?', but she knew that would only provoke him, at best. She didn't want to do that.

indent"What are you thinking about?" she asked, suddenly, and without her own mind's permission. It was a silly, invasive thing to ask, and one question she might or might not have liked to be asked herself. But, it already was out, and it was an honest curiosity that she'd often had about him, so she let it float out onto the air, and listened for a reply, a response of any kind. She wished he would smile.


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