be the snake that's lying underneath

Kindasorta PP in assuming Sepirah responded positively to his inquiry to keep it shawt and schweet? :3 I edited leader stuff into title for you, also. ^_^

Ithiel is by me!

Lystra's reaction to the snake might have been ten times worse before the weeks Myrika spent working with her. Ithiel had done his homework, as well -- as Lystra was his first horse, he was not used to dealing with a creature seeking to please him. On the contrary, prior to her added training, Lystra had seemed at times seeking to displease him. She was far from perfect even now, but at least he did not have to fight her for every inch of control. It was a wonder he'd made it all the way to Scintilla and was only unhorsed twice. Thankfully, the dark-furred woman was polite and drew the snake out of Lystra's eyesight.

When Ithiel had come here, the dust-colored man had not known the extent of his family. Jezebel had spoken of Gabriel and Inferni frequently in the brief time Ithiel knew her, but there had been no mention of half-siblings, let alone heaps of cousins. This new one was met with his usual reserved demeanor, his face seemingly carved from stone and set with two glinting rubies for eyes. He appraised her all the same, eyes roving quickly over her face and her small, well-made form. She was in good health and shared his blood; what more did he need to ask?

No apology needed -- she is a fickle horse, that's all, he said, nodding to her introduction. Ithiel de le Poer, Vigiles. You lived within Inferni before, then? he asked, not in the least surprised. Inferni had existed many years without him, and there might be dozens of former members he did not know. I don't suppose there's any point in me delaying a leader's presence, he added, half-turning back to Inferni. He lifted his head and yowled a coyote's call, beckoning for Vesper or his half-brother. He turned back to Sepirah when it was done, and Lystra shifted her weight from one forehoof to the other, still nervous but no longer panicky now that the snake was out of sight.

You have a snake, he observed, nodding his head almost imperceptibly toward her. What purpose does it serve you? Ithiel was curious, but he did not seem to be disparaging her choice.

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