We're the Same
Adelle was dreaming that she was a warrior, fully grown. Her paws had been replaced by hands, and she held an axe in her hand. Grandpa stood next to her, and they faced a mighty herd of faceless enemies. Together they marched through, destroying their foes. Grandpa looked at her in the end, declaring her one of the best warriors he'd ever had the honor of battling with. Adelle smiled happily, and her tail wagged, bringing her out of her dream.

A nose bumped her, and Adelle sat up, the snow shifting from off her. She looked around, trying to figure out what had happened. She'd been standing watch, hadn't she? Well, really over a pile of snow that no one cared about deep in the territory where no intruders would come. She'd still been doing that though. Adelle looked over, finding a tiny little creature looking at her. It didn't seem to be a canine. Adelle stuck out her nose, sniffing the tiny thing curiously. What are you?

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