The First Link in the Chain
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“Hot?” She did not know where to begin to understand what the loquacious male meant by that statement. She didn’t see how the Lady’s temperature would have constituted her death or lack thereof. Perhaps this was something new she hadn’t quite grasped… or a euphemism that needed better explanation. Whatever the cause, the Nomad was content to smile and nod as if she understood while letting her gaze pass between the two males attentively. Her expression about blanked when she looked to the Rakeeb and his less than pleased expression for his companion.

“Oh no no,” the female raised an unoccupied hand to rest atop her head. “It’s quite alright. There was no offense taken. I truth I have a sibling that he reminds me of,” she smiled at the recollection of her younger sister. “Talkative and interesting to say the least. I’m sure together their conversations would never bore one’s ears.” Small talk had never been a positive quirk of hers, but in an attempt to dispel a sudden growing tension, she tried.

Her hope to bridge a familiar gap was achieved when the paler of the two confirmed his relation to the lady she had met. The woman’s tail waved excitedly, her aura radiating with elation that stirred the perched owl on her arm to look around to the cause of this excitement. She made a questioning sound sharing her intent to join in on this happy feeling but was still at a loss when there was only a whine of content as her answer. “A sibling? That’s wonderful!- Oh but…” as quickly as her jubilance was aroused, it was suppressed when the conditions of the relationship were better known. “I am sorry the two of you are not close. She looked well enough when last I saw her, we were in the middle of a trade and unfortunately I did not inquire too much about her personally. But my friend, I am certain there is a reason for the distance, it is but an obstacle that ancestors have laid before you to overcome.”

Forgetting for a moment the varying views of their sentient brethren, she went on with her cultural perceptions as if they would plainly understand. “I am sure there is a plan in the works to bring the two of you together again, you need only wait for a sign to know it is time to proceed. Just as I believe the ancestors were involved in leading us toward this meeting, so do I believe they have something in store for you. Surely it is not just a coincidence that I have met your sister, and now you. There was a purpose for it, I’m sure.” And she took great strength in this belief, for it was the driving force that lead her through the days of the unknown. Whatever difficulties or complications were laid before her, she held fast in the belief that they were the proceedings toward a worthwhile goal. She need only be patient, continue along the path and await the outcome.

“But…enough of my rambling,” the she-wolf lowered her head modestly and eventually let her hand fall away to her side. “I am very interested to hear about Ichika’s neighbors. It is a shame that we are so close and know so little about each other… do you agree?”

558 words.


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