you must pay for everything you say

ooc: sorry for the awfulness of this! D: wc: 419

your dark nightmare

  • Fighting with Helotes - more specifically, losing while fighting with Helotes - had brought a renewed sort of madness to the oldest son of Kerberos. His fiery umber eyes, already burning with resentment and disgust, shone with a new sort of anger. Columbine hated himself for being so utterly weak and so incredibly disgusting. No wonder his father had beaten him! No wonder he was scarred, tattered, ugly and useless. If his idiotic brother, his brother who could not realize that Jacinto was bringing shame to their family. Shame! Columbine had worked so hard to be the ideal Lykoi - strong, well maintained, a fine sort of brute - and yet here was his family, consistently showing him that not only was he not good enough, the entire line of Kerberos should have been eliminated at the start. They were disgusting and useless, and the dusky man beat himself upon four paws along the borders, desperate to forget what was happening.

    He would have gotten distracted by the scent of another - Max Klein, a member of the warrior class that he had only met in passing - had another, overpowering, and downright seductive scent not floated towards him. The Secui quickly shifted direction, though the move was subtle - this wolf (or so it smelled) was close to both Max and Columbine. Umber eyes narrowed in confusion and slight irritation. What wolf would be idiotic enough to tread upon a land where the markings were skulls of that kind? Columbine couldn't understand. Was he living in a world of idiots?

    "Who goes there?" the man barked, soon coming upon a medium sized wolf, nose poking at the fresh carcass of a rabbit that was very much inside Inferni's borders. A snarl lifted at Columbine's lips and his stance became dominant and dangerous. In his Secui form, the Hastati was quite the intimidating brute: his muscles reeked of power, and his aura shone of malevolent viciousness. The wolf did not respond, but instead lifted his eyes and sneered before going back to his stolen meal. "I said - who goes there, wolf? Answer quickly, or I shall kill you where you stand." His voice was loud enough to echo over to Max - the white hybrid was not far away - though the words would not have been discernable.

    It is none of your business, coyote, the trespasser answered, pink tongue languidly licking the blood off his lips. And so Columbine's blood boiled, and the man prepared to lunge.


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