Please Stay

OOC: jacket

He was nervous. It wasn't right to be nervous. He was confident, and he had every reason to be. He was strong, handsome, and capable, what more could he want? But he was so nervous he was getting jittery. His entire day, no, his entire week had been devoted to worrying over today. Vikas was excited, but he also wanted to make sure everything went right. But hell, what was this date supposed to be like, anyway? He had no idea. Was it just a friendly get-together? Did he even want anything more than that? He didn't know, and it drove him mad.

The boy had bathed in the morning, and even combed his hair for once. Vikas sorted hesitantly through his clothing, wondering what to wear, if anything at all. He wondered if Terra would prefer it if he wore less clothing, like she had. He finally settled on a tan jacket, a compromise between nothing and layering up, like he normally did. He had picked a medley of small, colorful flowers to make a tangled mess of a bouquet, but had promptly thrown it back on the ground as soon as he had made it. No, no he didn't want to get all mushy or anything like that. Finally, he convinced himself to just go to the damned castle and get it over with.

He eventually made it to the entrance, but stopped before going inside. He ran his hands through his hair, messing it up to his original I-don't-give-a-fuck look. He kicked a pebble angrily, and finally went inside. At first, he didn't see or hear anything. That didn't surprise him, it wasn't like they had picked a certain time of day to meet. He was almost relieved, it might be an excuse to scurry out the door and go curl up in a ball and sleep forever, pretending none of this ever happened. But he kept searching through the castle, looking from room to room until he finally spotted a tell-tale sign. The room was a giant death trap, with junk laying all over the place.

Terra herself was in the middle, pretty as ever. Vikas beamed, delighted to see her again. He was so elated at having found her that he didn't really see the wound on her side, and it was impossible to tell there was anything wrong with her leg. "Well hey there, 'causing trouble again, I see," he said cheerfully with a broad wave. He looked around him at the floor, deciding what his path should be. Now that he wasn't chasing her, he was a bit more cooperative with the obstacle course. He hopped over a chair, rolled under a propped up painting, knocked over a collection of old maps by accident, and leaped over what looked like a birdcage. There was plenty of other little doodads for him to jump around, but he finally reached the safety of the middle, where he stood grinning like he had just won an Olympic medal. He deserved one, anyway.

Vikas Limonchenko
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