fluorescent adolescent

Coolbeans! >> Word Count: 2+

Sirius by Nat

Her words of assurance, although faltering, were enough to settle the King's busy thoughts for now. So long as their Norther border was suitably prepared for any influence these new perpetrators may have, then Salsola would be stable, for the time being at least. There was little more that he could do than this - Observing the newcomers, and waiting to see what problems they might pose to his beloved Family.

Although his face betrayed no expressions, Sirius did not miss the way her body spoke at the name of the other Vendetto. Wicked mind flickered to Denver, pulling forth all that he knew of the other male, and placing it in a ghost-like transparency beside the young woman before him. Clearly, there was something between the two - Something that seemed to make her uneasy. He could read no more than that in the Confidant's expression, and although his extensive interest was piqued, Sirius would not dwell on this un-voiced topic. If Magnolia had a problem with her scouting partner, then she would have to deal with it by herself; Sirius could not be bothered to immerse himself in micro-management such as this.

Her reply to his voiced thoughts of tutoring her was met with a slight twitch of the corners of black lips, which flickered for a moment in that devastating smile. It was right of her to be honored - Sirius did not waste his time with individuals that were not worth it. This offer alone showed that Magnolia was of high value to the peacock monarch, high enough that he would spend personal time with her, if necessary. Large, dark ears - coyote ears, in truth, sitting on the crown of a sharp but wolfish head - lifted at her mention of plans to travel East in search of a steed. A thoughtful hum swelled in his throat, before the man's voice oozed out like warm caramel. "Very well. It would suit your rank well to have a horse. However, be wary of the lands of the Infernians - Though not our enemies, do not for a moment think of them as friends. Trust no one beyond these borders, and you shall return with a horse safely, I believe," His narrowed pupils lifted Eastward, where far beyond forest and land lay Inferni, nestled amongst its plains and it's border of skulls.

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