A life you never thought you'd have

Word Count :: 000 Set march 4.

Aeron yawned she was tired of waiting out here and was not impressed that the Sut woman was avoiding her. Here she was coming to allow bygones be bygones. But Amy was her typical self even the assassin woman had changed some of her ways to live here. Avoiding those of power was not a good idea. Aeron was beginning to think Naniko had made a wrong decision that the trader could not be of use to them.

Aeron looked around trying to see if she could see the blonde woman anywhere. She could smell her but her scent laced this place now that was not going to really help her too much. Amy I think it'd be wise not to play games with me Aeron spoke. She had no true force behind the statement but that was mainly due to her trying to place nice.

Aeron slid her hood off and looked around again. I brought you things from the main stores She spoke waiting for the woman to appear. She was hoping that Amy would to play nice after all it wasn't often the short tempered yote female played nice. She was normally the first to swing but today she was trying to be a little bit different.

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed borther; table by the Mentors!

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