cutting through the airwaves


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Hel had given them the slip early, sneaking out of the house she and Styx had claimed for themselves in her pack. How strange that sounded. Her pack. It wasn't just hers. And she should have shown a lot more responsibility. But she needed to find him, she needed to see how hard her task would be. She would simply tell Iskata later. Not everything, just parts of it. That she had been looking for someone. Who was guilty of crimes. Who would need punishment. Not from her. From someone else. She couldn't let them know the full truth. That was not the point of it.

Her backpack, as always, she carried, along with her belt and the yellow cloak thrown over her shoulders. She set out through the mist, her pace quick and her determination strong. She would be back in a couple of hours. The first pack she met she would ask and move from there. Yes. Good plan. She passed into the woods, making minimal noise, her movements quick and silent. She wanted no trouble, especially none from wolves like Adelaida. She had a job to do, simple as that. By the time she had emerged into the clearing, she was panting slightly. She took a drink of water from her flask and noticed the shape in the fog. A pack? Or a straggler? The scent of wolf was fresh, so perhaps she was in luck. Hello there, she called out, trying to make her voice as innocent as possible. Hel was giddy with excitement. Is anyone there? Cautiously she approached, her hand on one of the knives, in case this pack did not welcome strangers.


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