Meeting under Moonlight

OOC text here

Word Count :: +000

The slave girl immediately exited Amy's attention as soon as she was set free. Amy was much more interested in finding the brother of the pair and talking to him about this. Specifically techniques to help keep slaves closer, and not wandering all over the place, prone to such things. As soon as the figure dropped from the sky Amy had her sword in her hand, just as defensive and fierce. She had something she needed to protect. Sensing the hostility the pups stirred in her satchel, whining quietly. Her hands moved to the bag, quickly shifting it so that it wouldn't be in the way if there was a fight.

She watched the exchange, not dropping her pose until the male did. Even then she backed up some, her hand dipping into the satchel to calm the panicked pups. They might be on death row, but until she was done with them they would be protected and cared for. At least that was the excuse she gave herself for the tender way she treated them. The weeks have been good. Trade has flourished. She didn't mention the pups, still on edge about being attacked. You need to keep a closer eye on your slave. Someone's set up traps all over the city for canines like her. Amy dipped her head slightly in indication of the female, but otherwise stood still.

Table by Alex

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