I'm a sad Panda
Pandora shivered as she stared up at the swirls of snow in the air. Her thick arctic fur was just enough to keep her warm on the blusterous day. She was sad because lately everyone seemed to be sad. The young pup couldn’t help but to feel responsible for that. Often she tried to cheer everyone up but it hadn’t been working lately. With her mommy hurt she didn’t feel like playing either. She whined softly as a burst of wind knocked her slightly off balance forcing her paw from its place in the deep snow. She lowered herself into a ball. She didn’t want to go home, no one was smiling and her Mahn had growled at her for trying to play with her. She wished someone would just smile for her. She could feel herself drifting off to sleep but every time she was nearly out wind would pierce her fur. Then she would continue to watch the swirls in the air, watching the snow dance and sparkle in the orange sunlight of the ending day. Her fur started to dust with snow more and more as the minutes passed, she was barely noticeable. She was just a mere lump in the snow that rose and fell with her soft breaths that smoked out through an opening.

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