that crown don't make you a prince

The other had seemingly never heard of Inferni, the wretched clan with the half insane coyotes, though in Adelaida’s opinion there was probably no better place for this female than there. However there wasn’t any time to explain, and Adelaida wasn’t interested in education coyotes anyway. The small coyote had words for Adelaida, and the larger wolf could help but smirk. Claimed? Claimed by who? Perhaps it was another clan of coyotes that was cropping up, that would just take the cake. How horrid it would be if there were two packs of those filthy creatures roaming around. The idea that this was an actual pack, wolves and coyotes together didn’t cross the masked female’s mind. It was unthinkable, unimaginable. No wolf with any respect for themselves would be caught dead, Adelaida was sure of that.

Although the stranger was becoming hostile, something about her only sparked a very rare cruelty in Adelaida. She had never really expressed her feelings on so many strangers in her homelands, coyotes and shifters especially, and now all those feelings surged up, and she could vent them at something smaller than herself. For such a normally timid wolf, she had a burst of confidence and courage. Coyotes were small than wolves by nature, and this one especially. That and the fact that Adelaida’s build was someone larger for a female evened the scores, even if Adelaida wasn’t much of a fighter. Her sometimes-too-polite-voice was now transformed with arrogance. "Claimed by who? You? Or are there more dirty coyotes like yourself running about?" There probably were, and they would probably come to the defense of their friend if she called for it. Adelaida wasn’t too worried, she wasn’t too deeply into what the female claimed was claimed territory, she could retreat if necessary.


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