I once read a story like this

Word Count → 000 :: Setting this Mar 7 so Terra's back from being injured Mar 2. Injuries: left hind leg broken in upper part, broken ribs, scruff around the neck torn open in a wide gash, wound on left side below shoulder, claws across face

For the past hour Terra had been pretending to be asleep. In all that time Hati had sat there, staring excitedly, waiting for her to bounce up and come play with him. She shouldn't have told him she could control the wind. He was still a puppy, and gullible to such stories. Now she was paying the price, unable to come up with any tricks to get away from the other, or even entertain him. Terra could share a story, but she would much rather just rest. Telling stories just aggravated her own restlessness. She pried an eye open as Hati darted off, lead away by Liam. Sighing with relief she pushed herself up to a sitting position.

Forced to remain in lupus form was irritating. It wasn't like she didn't already spend most of her time in it, which she did. Terra just liked the option of becoming something else, and when faced with her friends standing in optime form before her it just made her go nuts wanting to do something she knew would hurt, and hurt badly, when she did that. She never even started changing before giving up, muscles screaming in protest. Mockingly she grinned up at Liam. The picture of health of course. When have I ever been otherwise? Willingly Terra rolled over, allowing him to access the bandaging on her side.

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