she's nothing more than a snake devil
*cackles* XD
The only times Laurel had ever touched on his feral roots was as a child. The memories then were as faded and yellowed as the long untouched books in libraries and stores, because from the first moment he was able to shift, he had never gone back. One could almost theorise that perhaps he had even forgotten how to do something so primal, so instinctual. Still, he couldn't help but give her a wiry grin as she swooned and drew in closer, taking him in just as he had her and mentioning a bribe. His grin almost turned smug at that notion, mind no doubt trailing to just what kind of ‘bribe’ he was thinking of. But like many things, that would be out of reach for now. Grasping her hand with a strong shake, it was her laugh that rang the strongest memory bells.

Laughter was one of his fondest memories. “Laurel Booth,” he returned with a thinner smile, “and I must ask, have we met before?” He had seen too many walks of life to forget someone who was just as particular as this little pixie, from the way she carried herself and spoke to the things that she wore, it was all out of pages in his book. Carefree and light, far too uncommon in the likes of natives that lived with strict hierarchies with dreams of building empires. Yet they were true to the old adage of “birds of a feather flock together,” weren't they? For that reason, he couldn't take his eyes off of her, clearly trying to make sure he hadn't misplaced her in his memory somewhere along the way.

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