Little boys don't stay little boys

Word Count → 428 ::
Don't mind me and my fail post. Alex and Alaki just about drag themselves there in time, lazy gits xD

Having a moment of free time was rare and the young Rakeeb had quickly fallen asleep, head resting upon the legs of the pale Zepar who followed him around like a lost puppy. Whilst Alaki slept Alexander had chosen to kill time reading and occasionally poking the darker coloured male in the face to annoy him, earning a grumble from the Rakeeb before he fell back to sleep. It was then that the Angela’s voice resounded through the lands, calling all those who were free and willing to meet her. Undecided whether to answer the summons he looked up to to Alex who's eyes fell from the book he was reading to meet the grey males eyes, “Ya wanna go?” he asked, voice laced with sleep, blue eyes opening and closing in an attempt to wake himself up a little more but still too lazy to move yet. “What's the summons for?” Alex poked the grey male's forehead and watched with amusement as the rakeeb frowned and moved his head slightly to avoid the poke but was too slow. “Will you stop that, really irritatin'. And it's probably for the coming of age ceremony; her lot are coming up to 7 months if I remember correctly” he explained, although he wasn't entirely sure that was the reason for the call it seemed the most likely. With a groan he finally sat up, pushing loose strands of black hair out of his face and then yawning loudly.

“Come on, best we start heading over there” and with that he rose to his feet, shooting the pale zepar a stern look to make sure the lighter male understood he had to come along too. It wasn't long till the pair made their way to where others had already gathered, all familiar faces, his family, his friends, his pack. Seeing Naniko he smiled her way in greeting before paying attention to anyone else, he noticed the three pups by their mother and smiled at them too. With the white queen greeted he began to look around at those gathered, one particular face caused him to pause and fix his expression, the disgusting golden female whom had recently joined there ranks; he understood the logic behind accepting her and could see the benefits, but that didn't mean he had to forgive her just yet. Ignoring the women he noted Aeron and Caprica and moved to stand beside the dark Abigor, Alex added two rabbits to the pile of food. “Smells good” he said to her, “Really good” Alexander piped in as well.

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