crisp walks

Snow fell lightly towards the ground and a light breeze led the way as Alarice made her way toward the Yawrah River Territory, travelling in a south-western direction from her packlands with a small shawl wrapped around her cinnamon, and peppered brown shoulders. It was mid-day and the Kali female decided to take a walk along the river that ran through the territory, a light, friendly smile upon on her face as her blue and emerald green eye scanned their surroundings, paws crunching against the freshly fallen snow in her biped form.

Alarice found it was always nice to get away from her sister, nephews and nieces once and while, finding the rowdy atmosphere of their home some times overwhelming. The fresh, crisp air did the female some good, and of course she always had the chance of exploring new territories, and maybe even meeting new people. Pausing Alarice looked over the partially frozen river, enjoying the calm of the afternoon.


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