Take me Ouut tonight
OOC: ermm...should we make a new thread pre dated to the 13th or should we stay here and just invite Duece?

As his father sighed he realised he had asked to many questions once again. This time though, he really wanted to know about his mother."Clothing. I wear them because I like how they look on me. If you would like one day we could make a trip into the human lands and find some clothing that would make the girlys and the guys come begging to be with you." Jazper gave a small laugh at this comment. He would definitely like to find some cloths for when he shifted. As Lucifer sucked on his bottom lip Jazz realized he must be thinking about Duece. The mention of the she-wolf seemed to hurt his father, or anger him. This time though instead of a sharp growl and stern words his father answered, "Deuce is no longer in this pack, kiddo. If you need to talk to her, she is running around with my mother's first mate's child friend, her name is Iskata. They are starting a pack, One of your brothers are going to go there as soon as things are set in stone. You are more then welcomed to move with her or stay here and just travel back and forth, either way. You are my son and I love you just like I do Noah."

It felt good to know he could always see his mom, that she was okay and starting to make a home for herself with a friend. The thing that troubled him was that one of his brothers would leave him. Sirius had gone to live with Pilot in his pack. Now, Noah, Apollo, or Tal would move to be with Duece. Yet, through his hard thoughts came a happy one, he was always welcome in three packs! His true home, he knew, was in Twilight Vale. He had come to love living in the manor with Nani and Lucifer, heck the pack was still growing every day it seemed. He would also be welcomed by open arms anytime he needed a vacation by his mother, and Pilot considered him a son just as much a Lucifer did, though Jazper found Lucifer more to his liking. "What brother?" He asked simply as he looked to his father who had gotten up. He followed at his side quickly. "Did I ever tell you I met Pilot Hadden...he said I was his son no matter how many different parents I have." amber eyes turned to his dad to see his reaction. No Son...your not like me...your a good kid. I stabbed my father. You Jazper are so much better then I was at your age." Had been his last comment. this had shocked him, his father stabbed his dad! The shock was quickly shaken off as a smile returned, he was good, better then what his fther had been, he was making him proud.His mind wandered to how it would be with another brother gone. Maybe he would ask his father about a pet, human pups seemed to really enjoy having a smaller animal companion around.

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