[M] [AW] I never thought I'd be in bloom...
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OOC: || WC +601

He was sleeping more soundly than he had in a while. All the business with the cougar, Ciara’s injury, it had all proven too much for him in the end. His shoulders were heavy and sore with the weight of the burden. It was hard on him, harder than he dare say, but he was happy that she was well enough, and would recover quickly. He’d been sure to adjust his placing in the den so as to be near to her in case her health were to take a turn for the worse, or if she were to need him in any way. She was fully cemented in his consciousness now and all he cared for was her well-being. His eyes opened briefly as she tossed and turned, but they soon rolled back into his head as his lids slipped closed again. His sleep was dreamless for the first time in days, and he hardly stirred, immobile until she made a sudden movement or cried out. He was weary, so very weary, and her sounds never fully roused him. It had been agonizing for him to watch her as she cried out in pain, but whatever Deuce was doing it was helping. If he wasn’t already grateful to the elder woman he certainly was now. Her healing salves and restorative touch seemed to be doing Ciara a service. She hadn’t been terribly wounded, still fixable, not like Terra, but the coy wolf was recovering as well, much to his dismay. He had been fully content in her suffering. It was Terra’s fault for what happened to Ciara, and his hatred only seemed to be growing. If she hadn’t riled the cat Ciara would be whole now. He could not wait for her to leave.

The mutant black male had established himself her protector, but the man needn’t have bothered. He would not have harmed her, not after Zalen had commanded that she be healed. Besides, he had his own concerns. Even his anger seemed to have taken a backseat, but it was not diminished. It still flared to life every now and again whenever he saw the ugly brute, Shadow, in fact. He watched him closely whenever he was near, ready with a raised lip and glaring yellow eyes, but he would not often leave Ciara’s side, unless she were to leave the den herself. The incident with the cougar was not without its bright side. It had led to her promotion, and now they were on level footing. He could look into her eyes now, if he wished it, although he could not yet bring himself to. He did not know what it was he would see there. It made him feel vulnerable. If eyes truly were the window to the soul would she see the darkness inside him as well?

Finally, her persisting whines and cries drew him from slumber. He blinked once, twice before finally lifting his head from the warmth of his white tail. As soon as he withdrew and heaved a breath her scent rose up like a brick wall. His eyes widened, a shiver traveling down his spine. Their gazes met, the same emotions of longing and desire mirrored in both brown and yellow. He found he could not look away, despite his former misgivings. He rose quickly from his place and strode slowly and deliberately towards her as if by a magnetic force, his eyes on hers all the while. He licked his lips as he drew closer. Ciara… He muttered, his voice a guttural rasp emitted from deep in his throat.

template by revo. <3


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