[M] [AW] I never thought I'd be in bloom...

OOC:: Va-va-voom. xD WC: 748

In Character

It was pure torment, being stuck this way and not knowing at first what was wrong with her. Soon after she’d returned to the den and flopped back down, she figured it out. Having laid her head on her paws and letting out an irritated snort, her brown gaze had fixed in front of her. She took the time to narrow down the possibilities, perhaps secretly knowing what the matter was but not wanting to address it. She’d ruled out food poisoning, herb poisoning, bad water. She didn’t think she was going insane, even though she felt like it. Perhaps a fever was setting in, resulting from her injuries? The broken ribs still pained and made running, eating, practically everything difficult. Deuce’s remedies were working, surely, but she was still prone to a dangerous turn.

As she thought on fevers, she remembered something her mother had told her when she was a pup. Ciara had, of course, been too young for the awkward discussion of the birds and the bees but her mother had done her best to explain what the “special fever” felt like. Perhaps the alabaster female had known she wouldn’t be with her pup for long, especially with the ever-present threat of Ciara’s father. Pushing the thought of the male from her mind, she returned instead to what her mother had said. Heightened sensitivity? Check. Aggression? Check. Irritability? Check. Increased interest in males? Uh-oh.

Her gaze snapped to Augustus as soon as the realization hit her, only to meet his yellow gaze. She swallowed, visibly, and her ears twitched for a moment. It was their first time exchanging direct eye contact, and while she’d dreamed about him looking at her full on with obvious interest, she hadn’t expected it to be this intense. His eyes seemed to burn right through her until a whimper left her, head lifting from her paws as her tongue came out, licking at her lips. Then, he was moving towards her. Augustus was coming at her like a wolf stalking his prey, and she felt a spark of anxiety even though she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. A moment later, that was gone, and she was rising to meet him.

Her ears pushed forward, and she took one step so that their snouts were close. Delicately, she gave a single testing lick to the corner of his mouth. After that single touch, she was no longer governed by her mind, but by her hormones. In any normal circumstance, she would have worried that Augustus found her silly, or disrespectful. She would have kept her behaviour in check so as not to offend or disappoint him. The regular Ciara would have scoffed at the loss of control, but this Ciara, a different Ciara, revelled in it. This new version of the golden Epsilon was a flirt, even so far as to call her a tease, and she acted accordingly. After that lick had made its mark, Ciara walked forward as close to Augustus as she could get without knocking him over.

Her golden fur meshed with his black and white, until she could almost feel her bare skin on his. Not only had their fur mingled, but their scents as well. Hers was doubtlessly intoxicating to him, and she gave a soft rumble of pleasure at the thought. Instead of worrying over what he was thinking, the hormone-driven female was excited over the reaction she was getting from him. When she came around to his other side, she rubbed along there too before dipping her head beneath his chin. A nip was placed to the white fur there, normally a submissive gesture, but this time a flirtatious one. Occasionally, Ciara would return to her wits and panic over what the hell she was doing, but then it’d be right back to that sultry satisfaction.

After rubbing beneath his chin, she turned to look at him over her shoulder and flicked her tail up. Gently, she allowed the tip of it to flick across his throat briefly. Then, her eyes caught the candy green gaze of their Alpha. She was so caught up in her heat, and in the heat she was causing within Augustus, that she couldn’t bring herself to act immediately. Her ears twitched a little, and for a moment a smirk formed on her lips before her expression grew more serious. She knew that mating was forbidden without permission from the Alphas, but was she still allowed to flirt?

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