Just a little rest
wc 379

The ebony female was impressed with what ease Cercelee was able to get back to her feet. It made her feel good though, it was obvious she was already well on her way to recovery. She noted that one of her back legs must have been quite injured for the way she had to hop around. It was no big deal though, the pace would just be slow. With a smile she began to lead the way back to the house, though keeping mind to stay close to her new friend and make sure she didn't stumble. "Yeah, I stay in the house too. I'm still getting used to it, living inside a human building. Back in Italy my pack lived as a normal wolf pack. We never shifted and never had anything to do with anything human made. I have to admit, sleeping on a bed is more comfortable than the ground, but it still just seems a little odd to me." Savina had slept in the house to please Naniko and to not seem rude when she had first arrived, but she was beginning to see the benefits of it. It was nice to have most of the pack sleep in one space, yet they still retained their privacy. It also was good that Naniko had a nice big, covered area to help heal injured wolves like Cercelee and herself.

Slowly and carefully her slender jet legs picked the best, unobstructed path through the underbrush. If there were any sticks or rocks in the way the femme would pick them up in her mouth and toss them out of the way. She wanted to make sure there was nothing that could trip up Cercelee. Remembering what her ivory friend had said a while ago about wanting her to meet her packmates the girl smiled. "I'd love to meet your packmates, I'm glad you'd want to introduce me. Is there a big house in your pack that you all sleep in? Or do you sleep outside?" The Italian wolf found it fascinating how the different packs lived around here. In Insieme they had all lived in little huts on the shore. In Twilight Vale it was the mansion. She was interested to hear how Dhalia de Mai lived.


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