Protection Mistakes
i can't read your font at all x_x

There wasn't a whole lot of room in the tiny shed, so when he came to the doorway all of the light from outside was blocked. There wasn't anywhere for her to run to, either. Ember didn't understand why he was so angry, or why he was trying to jump on top of her; she was welcomed in these lands...or at least, that's what Naniko had said. Maybe some of the pack didn't agree with it, though, and wanted her out.

She hoped not. Twilight Vale had been the one place she'd really felt welcomed, where she never had to be scared that Firefly might come after her and try and harrass or fight with her. When Jazper lept at her Ember squeezed against the side of the shed, holding onto the shelves. No way was she going to let him get her on the ground. And why was he being so loud? "What are you, CRAZY?!" She shouted, pushing against his bulk with her clawed hands. He was only a little bit bigger than she was, Ember being the younger of the two.


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