How about July 25? :o

Of course she would have picked the most difficult way to get up aboard the ship. A quick inspection could have told her that there were a few rotted out entrances near the bottom...but she hadn't really gone around and looked. The rope had been there, and it'd looked pretty easy from the ground. She flopped down onto her back, watching the blood run down the tilted deck, away from her. She had only just gotten her shoulder fixed up in Twilight Vale earlier that morning, and now she'd messed it up again.

Since she wasn't hanging around her packlands much, she had found other ways to keep herself occupied. Mostly exploring. Ember didn't have a lot of friends to hang out with, just Cercelee and Khaden, and both of them were in the Vale.

"I climbed up the side!" If that much wasn't obvious. She looked at him from her upside down angle, laying sprawled out on her back on the deck. "Where'd YOU come from? Looking for treasure, too?"


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