Gonna get me a 10 point buck with 11" tines

Adrenalin flowed through the male. The most natural high that Oak had ever experienced always came from the hunt. It helped him to sink his teeth further, the taste of blood clearing his mind and causing his actions to be faster, sharper. The beast jolted, showed in its pace and Oak knew that the shadow hued wolf had joined him in the take down. Thick neck muscles twisted, ripping from the deer’s neck as the creature reached the ground. It’s hind legs were giving in and caused the beast to fall. Oak’s paws touched the ground, but only for a few powerful steps. He lounged at the deer’s neck once again. This time it was closer to the buck’s jaw and at the softest of places. A loud cry squealed from the deer’s lips as he clamped down.

Front hoofs kicked, grazing the Dreamer’s side. It would leave a bruise, but the blow was far from deterring and Oak held strong as he tried to choke the life from the beast. Pain in his side would be felt much later in the day, red fur flew as the beast fought for a moment more with the living.

Neither wolves could except the buck to give in easily. It was not a straggler, not a sickly creature in the back of the herd. He was a prize, living and outwitting hunters for many years. His offspring littered the forest and beyond, battles for harems won time and time again. But the Dreaming male felt the panic, smelled the fear and they all knew that his time was close.


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