Protection Mistakes
OOC: haha well I guess we're using different skins XD I'll just keep the font black then Big Grin Oh and I how Ember doens't mind abit of tension Wink

As his large body leaped forward the she-wolf moved just in time for him to fall to the ground wiht a large THUD! He let out a howl of pain as he colapsed on his right arm, the wound re opening. He turned and faced the wolf whom was now pushing against him. She wasn't that little for a she-wolf. "What are you, CRAZY?!" The words hit him like a brick wall. They had called Duece crazy behind her back, he had heard Sirius say it once and now he was the one being called crazy. He stood, holding his arm which was now bleeding from the bite he had recieved yesterday.

He looked at her up and down for a moment slightly iritated that he had a few new scratches, curtisy of this young she-wolf. Yes, she was younger then him, he sniffed again, She smelt of two packs now that he was his. The other he did not recognize. He quickly moved forward pinning her against the selves, his large body pressing hers. He was fully aware that it may hurt her back to be against the shelves so he tried not topush her to hard. One hand wrapped around a wrist and the other was gently placed around her neck. He was strong, not a male to mess with at the least when he's upset. His amber eyes met her green ones and he spoke first in a harsh tone, "What pack do you come from? How dare you come onto our land without permision and call me the crazy one." His hot breath was on her neck as he huffed. " My name is Jazper Rhiannon. I am perfectly sane. You ran into me on the wrong day. You see, my leg is scratched to hell and my arm was bitten open and I was looking for my leader to help heal it because it STINGS!" He sounded like quite the baby at the end putting almost a whine into the last word. It was true his leg and arm burned as he held the wolf there unsure of what to do with her.

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