we were halfway there
[html] hope you dont mind short posts lol Smile

There was something overly interesting about the cream and brown wolf. Oak looked him over as he turned to face him, from dark ears to crossed sooty foot paws. The Dreamer took a few more steps closer, the strangers greeting a bit mystifying at first though but no doubt cordial. Oak gave a wide smile, feeling overtly cheerful already. I’m Oak. He replied, but then thought a moment about the name of the other male. Stormbringer? Related to Niernan? The meeting with the shadowy wolf had been an interesting one. Oak had taken down, well with help of the other male, a large buck. The hunt had been successful and the thought of it caused his tail to wag.

The Dreamer felt that the distance wasn’t necessary and walked a bit closer to the rock on which the accented spoken male sat.


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