danger to yourself

Word Count ::408<3.

The rays of the sun shone through his eye-lids, causing his world to be nothing but warm blood red. He relished the feeling, the warmth on his dark fur. Opening them finally, his umber orbs scanned the world in front of him, all of it dappled in sunlight as he rested beneath a just budding tree. Spring was not yet here, but it was close, and with it endless possibilities. He was sure tomorrow would be cold once more, as the seasons fought over supremacy, so for today he decided he must not let it go to waste.

Getting up from his resting place, the Lykoi quickly made for a quick trot farther away from the mansion. He decided he might head towards Eden, to see if any of the wild flowers there had begun sprouting; he doubted it, but it would be a nice walk either way. Helotes had begun to amaze himself at how much he had calmed and matured after having come to Inferni; where once he had been a chauvinistic pig, now he felt he had become calm and cultured, a gentleman. But, he supposed with age came wisdom, him having recently achieved his fifth year. He felt that he still had many more to go, him being at the top of his prime years; he felt invincible, and now, he had the maturity and where withal to realize that it could just be the case.

He would not have stopped to daydream in the field had it not been for the strange and playful sounds that came to him. He took pause, eyes scanning the field until he saw the source of the commotion; it was Timori, and that cat who hated him, playing together as well as a puppy could play with a cat. But if they were here, that meant that…

And there she was, in a strange phase between chestnut and ginger, sitting in a tree. An immediate smile came to his face; how Zana loved trees, it was ironic that she so hated the creatures she seemed to take after; squirrels. He couldn’t help but chuckle a bit before turns on his feet to head towards her. They hadn’t spoken since the day he had brought her to the mansion, but he had made sure to give her as much space as she needed. But now, on this beautiful day, seemed like the perfect time to break the ice.

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