Until their dying days
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In all her dismay, in all her personal drama, she could not let the weight of it hold her down from her obligations to the pack. There was a party to make ready for, the very one she had intended to make for Kiara to celebrate her pregnancy and the life she would bring into the world. And amidst her own quiet jealousy, the autumn Shepard intended to play her part and do what she could to make the party and event to remember. The invitations were already in place, a date had been set and an assumed head count had already been made. All that was left was the gathering of food; a task the she-wolf was more than willing to fulfill on her own.

And in truth she was glad for it in the hopes that the bloodletting would grant her some semblance of internal peace.

Her beastial form prowled through the fragrant woods of which she had become familiar to. Without the deep bite of frost beneath her paws, she felt more inclined to travel further for the day than hurry for a place to rest and feel the warmth in her paws again. That, and her determination for the first kill was insatiable. She could feel her claws etching into the ground with ever paw placed forward. Her senses were alive and searching, eager as her brimming instinct to become one with the feral nature and satisfy that burning urge. The taut muscles beneath her lush pelt quivered with anticipation, the latent adrenaline coursing through her veins to prep her body for the take down sure to come. Her nostrils had yet to drink in the aroma of prey but they were searching as the whole of her remained ready.

Yet what she heard was not the call of prey she had prepared for though her body darted towards it just the same. The wolven bray set her on edge at it urgency. Her hackles rose with the distress in that voice, coupled with the war-cry of both victim and assailant. Hastily her golden form wove through the trees but came to falter as the acrid stench of a female assaulted her nose. The young female’s cry pulled the autumn dame from her stupor and into a charge into the savage beast’s flank. Her maw tore apart with fangs bore in a feral smile, seeking to claim the belly of the beast joined with the sheer weight of her bulk thrown on top of it.

419 words.


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