home is never the same

Word Count :: 300 OOC :: Hey guys!

His belly was full of mink, a wonderful delicacy, as he made his way slowly back to the den site. His mind however was not as content as his stomach, and it roiled as he thought over the happenings of the previous day. Terra was still back at the den, recovering under Deuce’s hand and Shadowfangs watch. He had decided she would only stay as long as it would take for her to move on her own, then Shadow would escort her back to the Court and tell them of what had happened. Zalen was glad her life had been spared, but at what cost? She had been slandering New Dawn’s name, as he had learned from Adonia the day before. He didn’t like it, but what could he do now? He would not put the healing coyote out in the cold.

Just as he exited the forest to come upon the den site, a call rang out in the distance. He stopped, regal head turning to listen to it. Then he turned back to the mouth of the den, outside of which the newly accepted Noah lay chewing a bone. Zalen looked at him for a moment, the tip of his tail just twitching in a wag. He knew he had hurt Noah, and was unsure of how to build the relationship between them again, but he knew he had to do something.

Walking up to the gray male he greeting him with a soft bump of his muzzle to Noah’s, Would you like to accompany me to the borders to see who calls? He asked, his tail wagging with a little more fervor. It would be nice to have the male accompany him, it would give them a chance to talk, or just be together, on friendlier terms.

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