Why hello!
The animals were thirsty - they were always thirsty, it seemed, now that d'Arte had so many – and it was Orin's job to tend to them. Although she hardly ever thought of it as a job, because jobs were usually things one had to do that they didn't like. This, on the other hand, Orin loved. Even though sometimes the work could be backbreaking, the hours demanding, and would leave her silken coat soiled by the end of a shift, she loved it. She was growing quite fond of the animals and all the things that went along with them – yes, even those mind clearing moments when shoveling dung.

But it wasn't dung she was worried about right now, it was getting them watered. As winter gave way to spring, the stock's thirst seemed to blossom as well, and so it was that Orin stepped from the barn doors carrying a large bucket, and headed to the well. She was only a few feet from the barn when a streak of gray fur dashed from behind, beating the woman to the well. Orin laughed obligingly, even though she had not been playing a game. “Good job, Sarian, you win again.”

“And you even had a head start this time!” The puppy laughed her victory, and then propped her forepaws up on the well and peered down into the darkness. It wasn't until Orin reached the well that she had noticed a stranger nearby. She bristled, never meeting the man before.

“Sarian, to my side,” she commanded in her motherly voice, and the pup obeyed. Once Sarian was safely away from the stranger, Orin turned a smile to him. She worried about the pup's safety around strangers, but still trusted her pack.

“Hello, I don't believe we've met before. You must be new to the pack? I'm Orin Takekuro.”

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