Why hello!
Aylu had been so wrapped up in the necklace and remembering his conversation with Kiara that he jumped when a woman's voice spoke to him. He looked up and smiled. Finally someone else in the pack. He stood with a smiled and offered the woman, Orin, his hand. "Yes ma'am I am new to the pack. Names Aylu. And who might this be," he said noticing Sarian behind Orins leg. It was the first time he had seen a pup in these lands and the thought of playing with her made him extremely happy.

"So what are you two up to today? I was carving but I sliced my thumb and cant do it anymore. At least till I find the plants I need to make a salve. Do you need some help with something? Hey by any chance do you have a place where I can find parchment and ink? I really would like to write but dont have parchment or ink. I would like to write about my life here. Just yesterday I found the barn and watered the animals, replaced the soiled hay and milked the cow. I also arranged the bales of hay and carved a stool for whoever works there. I hope they like it," he said with a smile.

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