Why hello!
Finally, someone who was cordial and friendly. After so many strange, stand offish meetings at the festival Orin was starting to think that no one could be at least polite on first meet. Even the Takekuro woman herself was a bit guarded when it came to meeting new people, but at least she was still friendly.

The stranger took to his feet and in an attempt to make himself a stranger no more, he offered her his hand. Orin set the bucket down and wiped her hand on her thigh before reciprocating with a firm hand shake and a smile. Sensing Orin’s ease, Sarian came out from behind her and propped her forelegs up on the edge of the bucket to get a better view of the stranger; her tail was whipping Orin’s calf.

“This is… my daughter, Sarian,” she said, looking down at the pup for a second.

A moment later, Aylu dove into a slew of questions that rivaled Orin’s own chatterbox self. She was taken aback for a hair of a second before recovering, a smirk on her muzzle. If she could dish it out, she could take it. She liked all of the questions he asked.

“Hmm,” she started. “I was wondering where that stool came from. You did that?” She had noticed the new stool, which was strange because she usually knew when Thomas was up to moving things around. After all, she was now the head animal tender – a strange turn of events – so her word around the barn was usually final.

The next order of business she wasn’t as happy to talk about. Her smile faltered and cracked, and her eyes grew shadowed for a moment. There were many places to get parchment and ink from; she knew, she had scavenged most of it from the area about a year ago and collected it all in one place. Of course everyone in the pack had free claim to that supply now, and surely there was plenty in other buildings, but she only knew of the one. Would it be fair to deny him the knowledge, based on her own fear?

She was silent and still for a moment, then slowly turned and pointed to a building across the way in the shopping district of Thornbury. “There.” Her eyes looked at the old book store for just a moment before turning back to Aylu. “You can find writing supplies there. It is… was a book store. You can find almost anything you want in the store room in the back. There’s some things upstairs, too, but the store room is best.”

She had a small stock of writing supplies herself, but not really enough to give. She had been carrying around the History of d’Arte again for the last few months, but her will to update it had died for the second time with Tameri.

Happy to change the subject, she motioned to the bucket she had been carrying. “I am the one who works in the stables,” she offered, glancing at the buildings beyond. “Well, myself, Thomas, and Bambi. I am Domatrice, though, lead animal tender. We were just about to haul up some fresh water for the stable. You know, there might be some kind of plant in the garden that you could make a salve from.” She knew nothing about the art of healing, but he had mentioned it. “Have you been there? It’s tucked just back beyond the far square, past the stables and Skye’s house.”


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