Standing Strong
Ayasha's response drew a cold smile from Amy. So her mate did something fairly bad. Love was a troublesome thing. One couldn't control it. She had to wonder if Ayasha knew the true extent of her mate's crimes, or had been protected from that to preserve her innocence. She certainly had that sweet air around her, even if it was lesser than Kiara's had been when Amy had first met the snowy wolf. The protective manner suggested that Ayasha knew how much she didn't belong, the uncomfortable air of others recognizing someone who didn't belong.

Of course, Amy wasn't much better. She wasn't a true pack member, simply someone granted the pack's protection in exchange for the services she could provide. I came because Naniko offered me a place of refuge if I ever need one in exchange for information. I needed a safe place to deliver my pups and she provided. Amy left out the disappointment and sorrow that came with the birth out of it. Sick pups were no fun, as it spelled their death. From the bag quiet coughing could be heard. There was nothing Amy could do to fix it, nothing anyone could do. All she could do was make sure to not get attached and kill them as soon as possible so they wouldn't besmirch her name.

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