Why hello!
Her anxiety was palpable the minute the man scooped Sarian up into his arms. She shifted on her feet and made a movement as if to stop him, but didn’t fully do it. Instead she stood a bit awkwardly. But the man seemed to know Sarian, or at least know of her, and Orin took pause, raising an eyebrow and cocking her head. “You knew Shiloh?” she asked. She was about to ask what happened to her, but Sarian’s story – a sad story that she had heard so many times from the young girl already – was enough to fill in the blanks. Whatever had happened to Shiloh, Orin knew she was dead. There was no way the woman would abandon the child like that, stop feeding her, and according to Sarian she was with her when she died, even if the little gray pup didn’t fully understand.

This also meant her bluff about being the child’s mother was revealed, but for all intents and purposes she was Sarian’s mother now. She preferred it if not many knew that she had found the child, for the girl’s protection, but there was no way she could hide the fact from her pack. “I trust you will be discreet.” She did not know why Shiloh died, but if someone had killed her she did not want Sarian’s whereabouts to be known in case a marauder was after the child, too.

“Help would be nice,” she accepted as he put Sarian back down, and she seemed to relax considerably. “Here.” She grinned and picked up the bucket and handed it to him, then took a few steps towards the well and grabbed the rope. “Skye? You haven’t met Skye Collins, our Capitana?” She looked at Aylu, surprised, wrinkling her nose like he had just said the most preposterous thing and wondered who had let him into the pack. If she were having a paranoid day (and she usually was) she might have begun to think he was some sort of con man. But no, he was supposed to be here, and his entrance into the pack had not been falsified.

“So, who is this Kiara you’re talking about?” She asked as she tried to tie the rope around the pail’s handle, but found there was no extra slack because there was a puppy attached to the other end. She shot her a playfully annoyed look. “Sarian, we’re working right now.” Yet she could not hide her laughter, and a tug-o-war soon commenced.

((400+ :: Control of Sarian is totally OK.))

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