Why hello!
OOC:OKIE DAY <3 Orin is all like -_____- | WC :: 400+

Aylu shook his head at her words. "I only know of her miss. I suspect you would want to know what happened but I cannot give that information right now. You seem sensible enough. You are the[i] childs[/] mother. If you want I can play with her for you. You seem tired. I was wondering if this pack had any pups. I meet some pups from Ichika. I would like to play and teach Sarian. If you are willing," he said noticing Orin's nervous jitters. He put the pup down. Orin had all the actions of a new mother and he didn't want her to not trust him with Sarian.

She relaxed as he put Sarian down and he took note not to pick her up like that again. Something was off about Orin. He wondered what had happened to the woman to make her so skiddish. He took the bucket with a smile. "I think I have met her but she never gave me her name. I was met at the boarders by her. I would have not come on pack lands if someone hadn't let me in and I wouldn't be trying to help you if I wasn't accepted. You seem really uptight Orin. You need to meditate. Thats what my master used to make me do. I really wish to have you trust me. I honestly mean you no harm," softly touching the woman's shoulder.

As soon as Orin asked about Kiara Sarian was yelling at them. "RARA!!!! Where is Rara? I tried to get to Rara. She love me. Play with me always. Always keep me safe.. Where is Rara?" the pup asked and Aylu winced. Sarian was looking around wildly and Aylu had to sit down before he said too much. He looked at Orin and mouthed that he would tell her later. As soon as he sat down Sarian had came up to him with wide silver and teal eyes and asked him where her Rara was. He gently put his hands around the thinish pup and picked her up so that she was at eye level with him. "Rara is far away. But she told me to tell you that she loved you and to trust Orin. Orin loves you," he said as Sarian's tail wagged. He put her back down as Orin tried to tie some of the rope on to the bucket only to have Sarian grab the other end as it dragged on the ground. Orin's look only made the pup pull harder and Aylu laughed as mother and daughter soon started a game of tug-o-war .

The greatest patience is humility.
template by revo. <3


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