Not the Hero we deserve
Noah was always looking for something different to do, weather it be surfing the stairs with what little books where left in the house, or if it was open for him to do, he was always up for some rat hunting, yeah it hurt when they bit ya but the young male was willing to deal with the temporary pain for the fun. The dark grey youth laughed as he went though the lands, stocking. He had heard of a family of wild cats on the borders of the lands, near the lake. He twitched his nose as he stocked onto the lake area, he could smell the cat. The male fluffed up his cat as he could seem the den, there was two...mother and a cub...the mother was gone. Stocking into the den the male barked his way into the den. Finding the small cat, the male pounced on cat. Though he was quickly in for a shook when the cat turned around and rolled him off, lacing her claws over his eyes. He screamed....he screamed like a little girl. His eye stung. His left eye was in pain...he wasn't sure what was going to happen, he tried to scamper to his paws...but it was all going so fast.

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