if the futures been drawn out then nobody’s living
You get to decide what they find upstairs, since I decided this would be a souvenir store. Tongue

She laughed, though it was partially grim. Of course, no group with Nikita in it would ever throw out any kind of booze. She finished putting all the items of use into the box and carried it to the front of the store, putting it down near the door. She also ferried the bag of items to the same place and set it down on top of the box. She sighed, the action turning into a cough, when she heard Laurel speak up. Her long ear pricking, she followed his voice until she noticed what he was pointing out. Yes, though she hadn’t noticed it, there was something about the room that made you think there was something upstairs. Her quick eyes glanced around the edges of the room. She saw two door — one near the back and another behind the front desk. She moved to the prior, pushing the door gently. It was already open, and the groaning hinges made her cautious. Nothing broke, however, and she peeked inside the room. Nothing. Just a bunch of overturned empty boxes. Maybe something interesting had been in there before, but it was long gone now.

She moved to the check-out desk, hopping nimbly up onto it and then to the area behind. She frowned, her eyes on the ground. It was littered with broken glass and ceramics, making it like a minefield to someone who didn’t wear any shoes. She picked her path through it and finally arrived at the door. She tried the knob, but it was locked. A grimace sprang onto her face, and she glanced back to Laurel. “Locked. Wonder what they’d have to lock up here?” She looked down to the ground again, shoving aside debris and clearing an area for her. She glared at the rusted and rattled hinges before lunging forward. She struck the side of the old door with her shoulder, grunting at the impact. Even from such a small creature, it was a pretty formidable assault for the old structure. The hinges squealed and gave way; the wooden door fell inward, landing on the ground with a crash. Dust was thrown up into the air, creating a small smokescreen so Nikita couldn’t exactly see what all was in the room. She did, however, see the faint outline of a staircase.

That was before she turned, covering her nose with her hand and sneezing mightily. Her eyes watered with all of the dust that had been thrown up in the air by her little MGS-action. She decided to wait there until everything settled before going to explore.

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