if all you knew had gone awry
Yes! *also beats computer for needing a restart*

His face fell a little bit at her seeming frustrated, feeling that maybe it was better if he let the topic drop from the time being. She really didn't remember much and if anything, he knew better than to push it. There were plenty of reasons why some people simply forgot things. A bad past, something traumatic. Perhaps unfortunately in his case, he had a habit of remembering almost everything and there were far too many nights when his thoughts kept him awake on a regular basis. He let the silence fall between them for a few moments, only speaking up again when the first few flickers of light from the camp fire came into view.

“This place isn't really much just yet, we all kind of recently settled in.” Truthfully, even if it wasn't very much just yet, it was fine by Laurel. He had never seen a large band of gypsies do very well, though there had been a time or two when they had been pretty good while they lasted. He retrieved one of the fish that had been cooked earlier that evening, pulling it free from the skewer someone had haphazardly jabbed it on and offered it to Asanotohl. “You're welcome to stay here if you want to though, and free to go if you remember things. We're a bit of a motley crew around here but I don't doubt that if you stick around you wouldn't feel unwelcome.”

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