go west young man

image modified from here

The hunt had been successful, for Max had taken advantage of the bit of remaining snow to spook a fat rabbit. This he had eaten completely, but it wasn’t uncommon for him to take in a large amount of food. His size accounted for this; Max outweighed most of the clan and while he was aware of this it no longer bothered him. Half-monsters were supposed to be big, after all. The snaggled teeth and massive shaggy body were clear signs that he was more than just a coyote.

Max trotted through the Waste, his pace an easy lope like that of a dog. A fluffy white tail hung half-curled behind him, bouncing with each step. The Hastati was pleased with himself and seeking something to further his interest. He considered looking for Ezekiel or Helotes, but knew that both males were in bad moods following whatever dramas had occurred with them, and he had little desire to go seek out Halo given her attitude (and accident). Luckily, he soon picked up a shape on the horizon. It was a gray puppy that, while clearly a coyote, hardly looked the part. Of course most of the members here were hybrids, himself included. It made for a hardier breed, but undermined the idea of a true “coyote” clan.

Approaching at his steady pace, Max announced himself with a deep dog’s bark. His tail wagged behind him as a sign of friendliness and while his head was high, it was more out of curiosity then dominance.

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