Why hello!
Sarian's reaction to the stranger's name surprised Orin, and she watched the puppy prod Aylu for more information with mouth agape. Who was Kiara? This name that got such a reaction out of the puppy. Was she her family? That idea didn't make much sense since she knew Shiloh had adopted Sarian, but still, Orin had already decided that she would care for the puppy as mother and daughter, but if she could reconnect her with her family that would be better for the child. The thought pained Orin, and she wondered, if given the chance, could she do it? First thing's first, she needed to know more about Kiara. She would have to ask Aylu in private. Hopefully Sarian would go down for a nap sooner than later, because the curiosity would eat her up inside. Now that Sarian was strong she supposed she could ask the girl a little more about where she and her mother was living, and the people they knew, before Shiloh's death.

Her thoughts were broken when she ended up in the impromptu tug of war with the gray child. She played along for a minute, growling back at her, but eventually Sarian's hold loosened and she snatched the rope up. When she tried to start the game over, Orin told her, “Wait just a minute, pigeon, and I'll let you tug the bucket back up from the well full of water. Ok?” She smiled, and the puppy seemed to like this idea. She could pull to her heart's content then.

With the rope now tied around the bucket, she motioned toward the well with a nod, signaling Aylu to lower it down for water.

“He's right pigeon, I do love you.” She wasn't sure she liked what he told Sarian, '...told me to tell you to trust Orin.' He lied to her, and by association made this enigmatic Kiara lie to her as well. Neither of them had known who Orin was before now. She understood that Aylu was just trying to appease the child and get her mind off of it for now. Also, he had taken it upon himself to voice his opinion of Orin, that she was tense and needed to meditate. She didn't think she liked this newcomer trying to gauge her or her problems, and that fact was obvious in the sideways glance she gave him.

“Just... help with the water...” She told him a bit disjointedly as she handed a length of the rope to Sarian. She wouldn't be able to pull the heavy bucket up on her own so Aylu would have to help, but surely if he knew so much he would figure that out, too. She leaned against the rocks of the well, staring off at nothing with her arms crossed as she waited for them to make the haul.

“I don't need any help with Sarian,” she told him. “Besides, there are others in the pack who help with raising the puppies, when there are any. I'll trust their help first, if you don't mind. You may be pack but I still don't know you.” Her words weren't aimed to slice, but they were still straightforward and she didn't sugar coat anything. Sarian had already been through so much, and she'd be damned if she let her into a stranger's trust now. Perhaps later after he had been in the pack for a while, but for now the child wasn't leaving her sight. Especially not until she unraveled this mystery of what happened to Shiloh, and who the heck was Kiara.

“After that's up,” she said, changing the subject... though she had a feeling Aylu wouldn't let her off that easy. “We'll take it to the barn and there I can give you some supplies. I have my satchel there. You don't need to go rifle through the old book store.”

((WC 600+))

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