A day with Dad

OOC text here

Word Count :: +245

Temo's eyes stared at the flames as they danced on the wood while he pondered the idea of using the ashes for picture making. He did know how the powder got all over his fingers and left marks on whatever he touched until he washed the stuff off. It would be reasonable that one could draw pictures with it too.

He pondered a moment and realized the problem at hand, getting the ashes from the fire with the hot flames currently covering them. He thinks for a few moments, considers old ashes that he had removed previously The ashes I have taken out the other day have been rain soaked and are no longer usable for drawing. he said out loud as he thought.

Then an idea comes to mind on how to get some of the ashes from under the fire. I know what we can do to get some of your fire dust, he said after a pause from his previous statement. He sets Dalgina onto the sofa, gets up and disappears into the kitchen. Noises of him opening drawers and cupboards and rummaging around in them. After finding a large metal spoon with a long handle and a square, metal baking pan, he returned to the fire and carefully began to spoon some of the hot ashes into the pan. We will set this to the side and let cool and see about getting some wood to draw on. he said to Dalgina.


Template by Alex, Image courtesy of drdavis586@flickr

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